Substitute milk for foals is intended for "orphan" foals that sucked colostrum and lost mare-mother (or mare could not produce sufficient milk).
With careful selection of components, Equilact infant formula was created which fully meets the nutritional requirements of suckling foals until the third week of age, and further when foals should begin a gradual and controlled adjustment to roughage (good quality hay) and wholesome food (Centaur Baby H & H). Equilact milk is recommended to be used in diet until weaning.
Important features:
- good solubility
- easy digestibility
- high nutritional value
- fostering a stable and balanced metabolism
milk supplement, protein GP, whey powder, dextrose, vitamin-mineral premix, flavour.
Tips for preparation:
- In the first hours of life it is essential to make sure the foal gets all the colostrum from the mother (or a prepared substitute).
- Do not prepare more milk substitute for foals than the amount you need.
- It is important to prepare a milk substitute as instructed so the temperature of the solution is 37-40 ºC.
- If any difficulties occur while feeding a foal with the solution, try carefully putting some sugar on its tongue, and allow it to d rink
the solution. - During the first 2-3 days the substitute solution should be given out of the bottle with a drip feed. After that the foal should learn
as soon as possible to drink from buckets / basins. - Important! Preparing and feeding the substitute solution should be as hygienic as possible.
Nutrition content:
Crude protein |
20 % |
Crude fat |
14,5 % |
Crude fibre |
1 % |
Lactose | 30 % |
Calcium | 0,85 % |
Phosphorus | 0,70 % |
Sodium | 0,05 % |
Added to 1 kg of milk CENTAUR EQUILACT milk substitute at least:
Vitamin A | 40.000 i.j. |
Vitamin D3 | 5.000 i.j. |
Vitamin E | 100 mg |
Probiotic | 7.500 mg |
Flavour | 3.000 mg |
Feeding directions:
- Take a pot with a capacity of at least 1 liter
- Pour 300 ml of cold water in the pot
- Add 400 ml of boiling water (now you have 700 ml of cold water temperature around 60-70 ° C)
- Add 100 grams of Centaur Equilact milk substitute for foals (about 2 scoops) and mix until well dissolved
- into the well-mixed solution of lactic substitute add another 300 ml of cold water - you get 1 liter of lukewarm milk substitute solution temperature around 37-40 ° C.
5 kg bucket